Domestic extension and refurbishment of a 1930’s art deco style architect designed semi-detached house in rural location. The original house was designed as accommodation for engineers engaged in the design of the Mallow Sugar Factory. The row of eight semi-detached houses are located on the former site of the now large rooflight to the internal gallery / lobby, and native untreated Douglas fir slats over polycarbonate sheeting to enclose the car port.
Internally light enters the ground floor from double height spaces with rooflights above. A minimalist approach was taken in the internal design, in terms of use of colour and fixtures & fittings. The addition of an external deck above the carport, accessed from the main bedroom (and through car port below) allows panoramic views to the south and a framed triangular view of the sun set to the west. The construction methodology was informed by the clients request for a low energy dwelling, a fully insulated raft insulation system was used for the ground floor slab, a locally sourced timber frame (one mile from the site) and a ventilated rendered fibre cement system to the external facade acting as rain screen cladding.
Location: 13 Kilvealaton, Newberry, Mallow, Co. Cork.
Client: John & Bridgette Brennan
Role: Project Architects & Lead Consultant.
Completed: 2015
Contractor: Buckley Construction Ltd.
Budget: Undisclosed